Bethesda Little League merges with MCLL
Post date: Sep 30, 2015 8:54:53 PM
Exciting news! Bethesda Little League (BLL) has merged with Montgomery County Little League (MCLL.) We are working through the transition details but wanted to release the news and also to extend a warm welcome to all of the past families of BLL. We are trying to make this transition as seamless as possible for returning players and are also excited that all of the BLL coaches from last year are returning this coming Spring.
We are in the process of updating our boundary map but we expect that the League will be divided into a North and South Division, or an Upper County and Lower County if you will. Teams formed in the former BLL area will play some inter-division games but will primarily be able to enjoy the same field (North Chevy Chase Local Park Field #2) that they have used in the past. We will end up fielding two Little League Tournament teams (in certain age divisions) based on an internal boundary line that still needs to be approved by Little League International.
As we work thru more of the details we will post them on the website. We do expect to open up Spring registration for all areas of Montgomery County during mid-November and plan on sending out school flyers to elementary schools soon.
We would also like to thank the guidance of BLL's former League President, Brant Hester, for assisting us in this transition as well as Ray Thomas and Anne Lubenow who will be joining the MCLL Board of Directors.
Feel free to ask any questions that you may have by emailing us at