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Player Equipment


The league provides hat and shirt, (pants, belts, and socks for some divisions). 


All players should have a glove that fits the player's hand (not too big).  Glove sizes are in inches.  A general rule of thumb for glove sizes is as follows


All players must wear a batting helmet.  It is not recommended that helmets be shared. Batting helmets for softball require a facemask. 


Boys in coach pitch and above must wear a protective cup.

Defensive Face Guards (Softball)

Defensive face guards are required for all softball infielders.  They are optional for outfielders. 


We ask that all players have their own bat.  Before buying, review Little League's bat requirements (see below).

Bats have what is called a "drop" number.  This is calculated by subtracting the length from the weight.  So a 20 oz bat that is 30 inches long is a -10 or drop 10. Drop numbers bats for Majors and below range from -10 to -14. Heavier baseball bats provide more power, while lighter baseball bats will give a player more bat control and increased bat speed. The exact weight will be a personal preference. As far as length the following chart provides good guidelines.

Important Bat Information

Bat Requirements (Baseball)

Click here for detailed information on baseball bat rules from Little League. The USABat Standard gives our young baseball players the benefits of using non-wood bats that have a better weight-balance, are easier for younger players to handle, and are more durable, while providing the response to many who believe the game should be played with wood bats. The new USABat standard is a performance standard only.

Tee Ball Divisions

Coach Pitch Divisions

Minors & Majors Divisions

 Intermediates (50/70) & Juniors (60/90) Divisions

Click here for detailed information on bat rules from Little League. 


Bat Requirements (Softball)

The above standard does NOT apply to Softball.  Softball bats must comply with Softball Rule 1.10 which reads:

The bat must be a softball bat that meets Little League specifications and standards as noted in this rule. It shall be a smooth, rounded stick and made of wood or a material tested and proved acceptable to Little League standards. The bat shall be no more than 33 inches (34 inches for Junior/Senior League) in length, not more than two and one-quarter (2-1/4) inches in diameter, and if wood, not less than fifteen-sixteenth (15/16) inches in diameter (7/8 inch for bats less than 30 inches) at its smallest part. Non-wood bats shall be printed with a BPF (bat performance factor) of 1.20. Bats may be taped or fitted with a sleeve for a distance not exceeding 16 inches from the small end. Colored bats are acceptable. A non-wood bat must have a grip of cork, tape or composition material, and must extend a minimum of 10 inches from the small end. Slippery tape or similar material is prohibited.

Click here for detailed information on bat rules from Little League. 


Other optional equipment