Pitch Count
Game Pitch Limits
League Age - Limit
13-16 - 95 pitches
11-12 - 85 pitches
9-10 - 75 pitches
7-8 - 50 pitches
Exception: If a pitcher reaches the limit imposed in Regulation VI (c) for his/her league age while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs:
That batter reaches base;
That batter is put out;
The third out is made to complete the half-inning.
Rest Required
League age 14 and under
Pitchers league age 14 and under must adhere to the following rest requirements:
Pitches Reached / Calendar days rest required between games
66 or more / four (4) days rest
51-65 / three (3) days rest
36-50 / two (d) days rest
21-35 / one (1) day rest
1-20 no (0) days of rest
NOTE 1: Under no circumstance shall a player pitch in three (3) consecutive days.
NOTE 2: A pitcher's pitch count for the purposes of day(s) rest threshold is determined by the first pitch thrown to a batter. The pitcher may not start a new batter once the limit imposed in Regulation VI(c) has been met.
League age 15-18
Pitchers league age 15-18 must adhere to the following rest requirements:
Pitches Reached / Calendar days rest required between games
76 or more / four (4) days rest
61-75 / three (3) days rest
46-60 / two (2) days rest
31-45 / one (1) day rest
1-30 / no (0) days of rest
NOTE 1: Under no circumstance shall a player pitch in three (3) consecutive days.
NOTE 2: A pitcher's pitch count for the purposes of day(s) rest threshold is determined by the first pitch thrown to a batter. The pitcher may not start a new batter once the limit imposed in Regularion VI(c) has been met.
Calendar days rest
Calendar days rest: A calendar day of rest is a full calendar day between games. So if a pitcher pitches 35 pitches on Monday, he must rest Tuesday and is eligible to pitch on Wednesday. If a pitch pitches 50 pitches on Monday, he must rest Tuesday and Wednesday. He is eligible to pitch on Thursday.
Other Important Pitching Limitations
Pitching/Catching Ban
A pitcher who delivers 41 or more pitches in a game cannot play the position of catcher for the remainder of that day.
Any player who has played the position of catcher in four (4) or more innings in a game is not eligible to pitch on that calendar day.
Note: The catcher receiving one pitch to a batter in the fourth inning constitutes having caught four (4) innings. Warm-up pitches do not count, only when the ball is live will the pitches count toward innings caught.
A player who played the position of catcher for three (3) innings or less, moves to the pitcher position, and delivers 21 pitches or more (15- and 16-year-olds: 31 pitches or more) in the same day, may not return to the catcher position on that calendar day. EXCEPTION: If the pitcher reaches the 20-pitch limit (15- and 16-year-olds: 30-pitch limit) while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch, and maintain their eligibility to return to the catcher position, until any one of the following conditions occur: (1) that batter reaches base; (2) that batter is retired; or (3) the third out is made to complete the half-inning or the game.
Returning to the mound
Pitchers once removed from the mound may not return as pitchers.
Exception: Intermediate (50-70) Division/Junior League: A pitcher remaining in the game, but moving to a different position (not coming out of the batting order), can return as a pitcher anytime in the remainder of the game, but only once per game.