Spring 2025 Registration
General Registration is Now Closed
Registration Information
The season runs April through mid-June. Practices start in mid- to late-March.
Registration System - Sports Connect
When you register for Spring 2025 you will be directed to our registration system, Sports Connect. Please follow the instructions to set up your account if you do not already have one and register your child(ren) and/or yourself as a volunteer.
League Age
See the League Age Calculator to determine what level of play your child is eligible to play. Your child's "league age" is determined based on their age as of August 31 for baseball and December 31 for softball. In other words, for the Spring 2025 season, if your child was born on August 30, 2014, for purposes of baseball and softball they would be considered league age 11, even though at the time of the season they will only be 10. If your child was born on September 14, 2014, they would be league age 10 for baseball and league age 10 for softball.
MCLL Player Eligibility
In order to be eligible to play in Montgomery County Little League, players must either reside within the area of the boundary map or attend a school within that area unless they already have been granted an exception.
Lower County vs Upper County
To see the dividing line between the Upper County and Lower County divisions see this map. If you click on the magnifying glass on the linked page then you can enter your home address into the left side of the screen and it will identify where it is located while still showing the MCLL boundaries. The same process can be done for the player’s school (although we list out which schools fall within either boundary on our Eligible Schools List.
Click here for Frequently Asked Questions about the Spring season.
Your coach will be your main contact with the league once the season gets underway but prior to then or even during the season you can always send questions to info@mclittleleague.org. We also are always looking for volunteers to assist in various league functions. If you have any interest in volunteering in any capacity please let us know.
For league information or questions e-mail info@mclittleleague.org.
Little League and MCLL provide scholarships to those in need of financial assistance. Click here for more information.
Early Bird Discount - If registered on or before 12/31/2024 you will receive a $10 discount for each registered child.
Family Discount - If you have multiple children, you receive a $25 discount on each registered child after the first one. The registration system will apply the discount automatically.
Multi-Division Discount - If you register the same player for BOTH Intermediate and either Majors or Juniors you will receive a discount of 50% off the lower-priced division.
Late Fees
A $25 late fee ($15 for Tee-Ball) will be assessed on all registrations received after 2/10/2025. Late registrations are subject to availability and registrants may be placed on a waitlist.
Refund Policy
Review our Refund Policy
Divisions of Play
We recommend you review the detailed descriptions of Divisions of Play before registering.
Baseball Programs
Understanding Upper vs Lower County.
Baseball programs including Tee-ball, Coach Pitch and Kid-Pitch are open to Boys and Girls.
Tee-Ball (Ages 4-6)
Tee-Ball - Ages 4-6 - $100
Tee-Ball - Ages 4-6 - Sunday Pro Clinic - $150
Coach Pitch (Ages 5-8)
Coach Pitch - Rookie - Ages 5-7 - $145
Coach Pitch - Ages 6-8 - $200
Baseball (Ages 8-12)
Minors A (Player Pitch Hybrid) - Ages 7-9 - $200
Minors AA - Ages 8-10 - $250
Minors AAA - Ages 9-11 - $250
Minors AAAA- Ages 9-11-$250
Majors - Ages 10-12 - $250
Baseball (Ages 11-16)
Intermediates (50/70 fields) - Ages 11-13 - $300
Juniors/Seniors (60/90 fields) - Ages 12-16 - $300
Softball Programs
Softball is open to Girls only.
Softball - Girls
Tee-Ball - Ages 4-7 - $100
Coach Pitch - Ages 6-8 - $175
Minors AA - Ages 8-10 - $230
Minors AAA - Ages 9-11 - $230
Majors - Ages 10-12 - $230
Juniors- Ages 12-14 - $255
Seniors - Ages 14-16 - $255
If you would like to be either a head coach or an assistant coach please see our About Coaching page.
Additional Info
Player evaluations are held for all players league age 10-12 or who are registered to play in the Baseball Minors AAA, Minors Quad A and Majors, and Softball Majors, Juniors and Seniors Divisions. The evaluation process is intended to ensure proper division placement and maintain balanced teams. The evaluation process is not a tryout. All players that register are assigned to a team regardless of skill or baseball/softball experience. Tee-ball and coach-pitch (baseball and softball) players are all excluded from evaluations. For more information see our Player Evaluation page.
Parent Contract
During registration, parents will be asked to review and accept the Parent Contract. The Parent Contract documents our expectations of behavior by parents and players participating in the league.